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Ultra runner Pandit felicitated

Record-holder ultra runner and mountain dweller Sanjaya Pandit, who climbed Mt Kilimanjaro of Africa strolling in reverse, has been compensated with a money prize on Monday. 

Resigned Lieutenant Colonel Prabal Shumsher Rana granted Pandit with 100 thousand rupees in acknowledgment for the extraordinary commitment he has made to spread the nation's name and acclaim all through the world through mountaineering. 

Pandit had rose Mt Kilimanjaro last December in 25 hours and 40 minutes strolling in reverse from the base camp. 

He has climbed Mt Everest and Mt Manaslu of Nepal, Mt Fuji of Japan and the most elevated piles of the considerable number of landmasses aside from Antarctica. RSS
Ultra runner Pandit felicitated Reviewed by Sagar on 7:21 PM Rating: 5

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